Friday, July 7, 2017

Do You Flickr?
Photo-Sharing Sites

Do you Flickr?

If I was asked that question last week, I would have no clue what you were talking about! So let me tell you!

I love photography and clipart, and I often am on the search for images to use in my classroom presentations.  After perusing the various online collaborative photo-sharing sites available out there, I decided on Flickr.  I really like the look of the site, and it was very easy to sign-up, activate my account, and upload my first pictures.  I also found a large number of amazing pictures upload by other users.  I like to use pictures for a variety of purposes - personally, educationally, and commercially, so I quickly discovered the license options with every picture.  They have a helpful feature to search for pictures of certain sizes/dimensions, patterns, tags, dates, and more.  Those options ca significantly slice your search time and ensure that you find what you actually want.  Google Images also has an Advanced Search that you can specify some of the same features.

Finding clipart and photography can definitely help in student projects, presentations, and research papers.  Digital stories and movies are today’s learners common assignments.  Flickr and other sites can help students find quality photographs to add to their work.  When teaching a lesson on a geographic landmark, country, or architecture, educators can access these sites to help their students experience, gain an appreciation, and develop a deeper understanding for the content of the lesson, helping to accomplish the content standards.

I found some great pictures on Flickr.  Here are 2 that I would potentially use in a future lesson:

Here are 2 of my personal photos that I uploaded:


Maybe you've already heard of and become a member of Flickr. I'm not really sure why I've never heard of it before, so I say - Flickr, where have you been all my life?

ISTE Standards used:  6. Creative Communicator
a. choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of their creation or communication.
b. create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.
c. communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.

d. publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences.

~Your not-so-techy teacher

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